Indiana 25-feet-from-cops law blocked during lawsuit

A federal judge in the Southern District of Indiana has blocked the controversial Indiana law that would create a 25-foot radius around certain police activities, wherein people could be arrested for refusing to obey arbitrary orders to move.

The judge found the law to be too vague because, for instance, it did not establish how people should behave to avoid being ordered to move and potentially be arrested. One principle of due process is that the bounds of acceptable behavior should be knowable in advance and not be subject to the whims of individual officers.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams bribery, conspiracy indictment unsealed

NEW YORK CITY - The US Department of Justice and a federal grand jury have indicted New York City Mayor Eric Adams, 64, on charges including bribery, campaign finance violations, and conspiracy.

Wednesday's indictment, which was unsealed on Thursday, alleges that Adams solicited and received personal and campaign-related financial contributions and other gifts from Turkish officials over a period of years. Adams allegedly also defrauded the State of New York's program to "match" up to eight times the value of political contributions that meet certain criteria.

Two deputies charged with obstructing DEA sting

Two deputies with the Bernalillo County Sheriff's Office have been charged with obstruction of justice, conspiracy, and related charges after allegedly tipping off the subject of a U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency operation and conspiring to hide the tip-off.

The two deputies are Kyle Linker, 33, and Paul Jessen, Jr., 34.

Lawsuit accuses Portage County Sheriff and deputies of false drug arrest

Portage County Sheriff Bruce D. Zuchowski and three deputies are being sued by two men who say they were falsely arrested for possession and trafficking of cocaine on August 29, 2023.

The lawsuit claims that the substance purported to be cocaine was actually baking soda sprinkled on the carpet to combat a moisture issue in the vehicle. It further says that deputies ignored a negative reading of their field test kit, instead reporting that the substance tested positive for cocaine.

NYC school workers stole trips meant for homeless students: Investigators

A newly released special commissioner's report claims that employees of the New York City school system took their own children and grandchildren on grant-funded trips that were intended to help disadvantaged children living in shelters and temporary housing.

It is alleged that a regional manager spent some of the resources on trips for herself and her children and grandchildren, and encouraged her subordinates to do the same, cautioning them to keep quiet about the scheme.


Transistors are just about everywhere in electronics. They are used in digital switches, amplifiers, voltage regulators, and many other simple components that work together in complex digital circuits. Two types you're likely to use are the bipolar junction transistor (BJT) and the field effect transistor (FET).

Both types of transistor have three pins. The pins on the bipolar junction transistor are called the emitter, collector, and base. On the field effect transistor, the pins are called the source, drain, and gate.

Stepper motors

Stepper motors can move back and forth and lock into fixed positions, or steps, around the axis.

Stepper motors are common in machines that require precise and stable movement, like 3D printers and CNC machines.

Usually you will connect a stepper motor to your microcontroller by means of a stepper motor driver board, which has all the circuitry for controlling the motor. Then for you to control the motor, you just need to provide power and a signal to trigger the motor's intended position.

Shift registers

A shift register is a simple memory device that allows data to be "shifted" bit-by-bit into or out of the register.

What are shift registers used for?

One place you might use a shift register is to control up to eight components, such as LEDs, using only three Arduino pins instead of a separate pin for each LED. Moreover, some shift registers can be chained together to expose a huge number of inputs or outputs while using only a few pins on the microcontroller. Shift registers are also used for controlling 7-segment LCD displays and various other components.

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