Using an LED matrix module

The MAX7219 LED matrix module used in this example has 64 distinct LEDs that can be individually turned on or off in the Arduino code.

It uses SPI to control 64 individual LEDs while consuming just three GPIO pins on the microcontroller, plus the VCC and GND pins for powering the LED module. The module also has output pins that can be chained together with up to eight (or more) modules.

We will use a library called LEDMatrixDriver, which purports to be faster than another library called LedControl.

Blinking an LED

Many impressive projects involve LED light effects of some sort. At the heart of it all is the concept of turning an LED on and off in a regular pattern. Doing this is very easy!

To light an LED, all you need is a power source and a resister. We will use the Arduino itself to provide power from one of the pins. Turning this pin on and off (changing the voltage state from from HIGH to LOW) will cause the LED to blink.

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